Friday, September 9, 2011

New Blog Day One

Sitting here at 3:30 am CST looking at BFC winners or should I say loosers......the weight that is. They all say blogging helped them. So I am starting mine but I may not be as open with the pics right now. I woke up itching and weezing about an hour ago and wide awake! UGH I hate when that happens. Have a great day!

Day 1 weight 200+


  1. This sounds like a good idea.

    I know you can do it.

    I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

  2. You can do it Mutti!!!! I know you can!! <3

    I think blogging does help because you get tons of support from it and it helps you keep going...Just like when I do well in school and post grades/drawings up on Facebook and I get good feed back..It helps me keep going through school even if I'm in rough times.

    Love you lots!!
